Apa itu Present Continous Tense? (Pengertian, Rumus & Contoh)
Present Continous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung dan belum selesai diwaktu sekarang.
(+) Subject + To Be (Am, Are, Is) + Verb1(ing) + Complement
(-) Subject + To Be (Am, Are, Is) + Not + Verb1(ing) + Complement
(?) To Be (Am, Are, Is) + Subject + Verb1(ing) + Complement?
(+) I am sweeping the floor.
(-) I am not sweeping the floor.
(?) am i sweeping the floor?
(+) They are playing football.
(-) They are not playing football.
(?) Are they playing football?
(+) He is lying to her.
(-) He is not lying to her.
(?) is he lying to her?
(+) My mother is cooking in the kitchen.
(-) My mother is not cooking in the kitchen.
(?) is my mother cooking in the kitchen.
(+) My brother is riding a bicycle.
(-) My brother is not riding a bicycle.
(?) is my brother riding a bicycle?
(+) we are eating together at the restaurant.
(-) we are not eating together at the restaurant.
(?) are we eating together at the restaurant?
(+) Dodi is wearing black hat.
(-) Dodi is not wearing black hat.
(?) is dodi wearing black hat?
(+) I am helping my mother to clean the house.
(-) I am not helping my mother to clean the house.
(?) Am i helping my mother to clean the house?
(+) You are shopping with me.
(-) You are not shopping with me.
(?) Are you shopping with me?
(+) I am doing my homework.
(-) I am not doing my homework.
(?) Am i doing my homework?
1. Digunakan untuk kejadian yang sedang berlangsung.
contoh :
- We are studying grammar now. (Kami sedang belajar grammar sekarang)
- He is sleeping. (Dia sedang tidur)
2. Digunakan untuk kejadian yang bersifat sementara.
contoh :
- I am exercising but i will break soon. (Saya sedang berolah raga tetapi saya akan istirahat segera)
3. Digunakan untuk kejadian yang berlangsung pada waktu yang akan datang.
contoh :
- I am visiting again tomorrow. (Saya akan datang lagi besok)
Baca Juga : Apa itu Simple Present Tense? (Pengertian, Rumus & Contoh)
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